Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Horse Testimonial ~ Hoof Seedy Toe

After having my mare Prissy for 24 years of her 27 year life I am the one who knows her better than anyone. When she began to get sore feet I thought I was in for trouble. She foundered on me once and I was hoping that founder/laminitis was not the case this time. My Farrier came for his regularly scheduled trimming and we began to see she was developing seedy toe. I searched the internet high and low for a miracle cure when I came across an article praising your product. I checked out your web site E3 Live™FOR HORSES. After seeing the guarantee, I figured what have I got to loose.

I ordered your product one week before my Farrier's trim schedule, and started Prissy on the E3 Live™FOR HORSES the day she was trimmed. I started slow with a ounce twice a day, gradually working her up to 1 and 1/2 ounces twice a day. It has been six weeks and five 16 ounce bottles to the day, my Farrier came today and said: 

"I don't know what your doing but keep doing it, this mares foot has grown 100% more between trimmings and it looks a lot healthier too."

Thank you Wayne E3 Live™FOR HORSES has given Prissy new life in her feet and her personality seems to be a lot brighter too. I am looking forward to the rest of her life and keeping her on E3 Live™FOR HORSES however long it may be.

~Elizabeth Pratt

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