Saturday, April 6, 2013

New Distal Sole Regeneration of the Horse Hoof

On September 5, 2003. 
Radiographs were taken and it was determined that the coffin bone had descended and rotated on both front hooves. The heels were removed on the affected front hooves, to produce a low palmar angle and rocker toed shoes applied. The horse appeared sound at a walk although responded with pain when hoof testers were administered to the sole.

On December 1, 2003. 

The shoes were pulled, an abundance of new distal sole regeneration was evidenced, An even greater angle of the Rocker toe shoe was allowed by the build-up of new sole growth, moving the break over to the widest point of the hoof. New radiographs were taken that showed good alignment of the P2 and P3 as well as significant increase of sole depth, beneath the point of the coffin bone.

Read Full Case Study

Cell regeneration initially works where the hoof is most damaged. In this case, it is the right front toe where we see the clear keratin replacing what used to be a keratoma.  Read Full Case Study

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